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2021 Studio Highlights

It's no secret that 2020 spun the world on it's head, and we all had to scramble to make sense of a new post-pandemic world, ensuring the stability of our businesses and keeping our employees reassured. But in times of adversity there is also great opportunity for change and development.

We at TA Design have been no different. When the world changed overnight back in March last year, we carried our Macs home with heavy hearts, not knowing what the future held for any of us. Fortunately, 20 months later, TA has become even busier, and we are proud to continue to produce exciting, varied and creative work.

If anything, our team has grown in dedication as we've adapted to new working practices. Working from home means we can occasionally walk our children to school instead of relying on others for help. Choosing to start work at 7am means we can get out for a jog in the sunshine before the winter nights draw in.

And we are constantly in touch with each other, whether physically in the office for a catch up and (occasional!) cheeky pub lunch, or on Zoom checking in with each other and our clients and planning the next big projects.

It’s encouraging to see how many companies have continued to appreciate the value of print and direct mail, compared to other media. As we've continued to spend more time at home, it's been proved that now more than ever mail provides a tangibility that is lost with digital marketing, giving us something we can literally hold on to and savour in this fast-moving, digital world.

A recent study by Royal Mail found that 50% of respondents acknowledged the usefulness of mail – as a reminder to do something – whilst 88% reported paying as much or more attention to mail during lockdown!*

What arrives on the doormat is also inherently trusted. It feels as though a person has thought about it and invested time, effort and money in getting their message across. “It must be worth reading” was a common sentiment among respondents.

For our part, we've relished the fresh opportunities 2021 has brought. Opportunities that have allowed us to create stylish and engaging catalogues that accurately communicate our clients’ brands – and work powerfully and effectively alongside their digital and social marketing.

And as we look forward to another busy year in 2022, here are just a few of our favourite projects from 2021:

*Source: Royal Mail MarketReach, Coronavirus Research, Trinity McQueen 2020.